Is Homelander DC Or Marvel? What’s The Truth?


Homelander isn’t a fictional character from either the DC Universe or Marvel Universe. He is a member of The Boys, a distinct graphic novel universe.

Homelander in The Boys

The adversary Homelander appears in the well read comic book series The Boys, authored by Garth Ennis and illustrated by Darick Robertson. Launched in 2006 and run by Dynamite Entertainment, it first ran from 2007 through 2012. Later, in 2019, Amazon Prime produced a phenomenally popular television version based on the series. Homelander’s immensely captivating and multifaceted character makes him the face of The Boys franchise.

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Overview of The Boys Franchise

The Boys is a superhero story, but it takes a unique turn. The narrative takes place in a world where superhuman people exist and are largely controlled by corporations. These so-called “heroes” are frequently seen abusing their power, which has disastrous results. Homelander is the most notable of the superpowered people, and The Boys is the vigilante squad that seeks to subdue these superheroes.

Understanding Homelander

Homelander, whose real name is John, is portrayed as the head of The Seven, a well-known superhero team similar to Marvel’s Avengers or DC Comics’ Justice League. His appearance—particularly his American flag-adorned uniform—creates a persona akin to Captain America or Superman and is a symbol of patriotism. Homelander is a very flawed and morally dubious figure, despite his public persona. He’s a fascinating and dangerous figure because of his manipulative skills and lack of empathy.

Superman-like abilities that Homelander shares with Superman include super strength, invulnerability, x-ray vision, and flight. But Homelander often has a blatant disrespect for truth, justice, and the American way—all of which are central to Superman’s ideals.

The Distinction between Homelander and DC Characters

Homelander’s superpowers may resemble those of some DC characters, but their moral compass and the universes they inhabit are very different.

Superman and Wonder Woman are two examples of DC heroes who exemplify virtue and morals. They put their skills to use to defend the defenseless and advance humankind. Conversely, Homelander employs his abilities for self-interest, deceit, and authority.

Furthermore, the DC universe tends to favor the idea of heroes as global rescuers, with plots frequently centering on the struggle between good and evil. The Boys, on the other hand, takes a more critical stance on superheroes, portraying them as morally tainted people who are controlled by business interests.


In summary, Homelander is set in The Boys reality, not the DC reality, where the whole idea of a “hero” may be seriously questioned. Even though his skills could be similar to those of other DC characters, his goals, actions, and worldview are completely different. Homelander’s character embodies The Boys’ ethos, which is a biting indictment on the idea of superheroes and the commercialization of valiant acts.

Written By:

Shane Coleman

Meet Shane Coleman, a passionate journalist with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a keen eye for the stories that shape our world. With years of experience in the field of journalism, Shane has made it his mission to provide readers with accurate, timely, and thought-provoking news articles that help them make sense of a rapidly changing world.
is homelander dc or marvel
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