Is Better Call Saul Better Than Breaking Bad?


In the great debate, “Better Call Saul” arguably outshines its predecessor “Breaking Bad” in certain respects or is just as well made as “Breaking Bad”.

The highly acclaimed television series “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul” have captured the attention of audiences all over the world. Vince Gilligan is the creator of both shows, which center on incredibly flawed individuals who live a borderline life between the criminal underworld and ordinary everyday life. While “Breaking Bad” centers on Walter White, a former high school chemistry teacher who turned drug dealer and manufacturer of methamphetamine, “Better Call Saul” is a prequel and spinoff that follows Jimmy McGill, a modest lawyer who struggles to establish himself before turning into the sleazy lawyer Saul Goodman.

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Character Development In Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad

“Better Call Saul” has more character development than “Breaking Bad.” While the main focus of “Breaking Bad” was Walter White’s metamorphosis, “Better Call Saul” features a cast of individuals, each undergoing their own transition. The character arcs of Jimmy’s transformation into Saul Goodman, Chuck’s struggle with his mental illness, Kim Wexler’s struggle to keep her integrity while falling in love with Jimmy, and Mike Ehrmantraut’s slow slide into a life of crime are all masterfully written and aid in the audience’s ability to connect with the characters on a deeper level.

Implementing Dramatic Tension

While both series are known for their nail-biting suspense, “Better Call Saul” frequently employs a more subtle approach to building dramatic tension. Whereas “Breaking Bad” employed the constant fear of death as a primary source of tension, “Better Call Saul” chooses to employ tension more subtly. This is principally accomplished by placing a strong focus on human interactions and moral quandaries, which deepens the story’s levels of complexity.

The Art of Storytelling

There are moments when “Better Call Saul” tells a tale better than its predecessor. It adopts a different strategy by starting off as a slower, character-driven story that concentrates more on Jimmy McGill’s struggles prior to his transformation into Saul Goodman. The close attention to characters and story progression results in a really engaging viewing experience. Its dedication to illustrating Jimmy’s transformation from an idealistic, well-meaning attorney to a morally dubious one is also evidence of excellent storytelling.

Narrative Pace and Structure

“Better Call Saul” might be viewed as a marathon if “Breaking Bad” was a sprint. The pace of the two shows is very different. “Breaking Bad,” a show renowned for its intensity, moved quickly and constantly put its characters in peril. On the other hand, “Better Call Saul” moves slowly, giving its characters and storylines time to develop. Despite being unique, this slower story pacing has been praised for adding to the show’s overall complexity and depth.

In conclusion, whether “Better Call Saul” is better than “Breaking Bad” is essentially subjective, depending heavily on personal preference. Both shows have managed to carve out their unique niches in the annals of television history, delivering fail-safe entertainment punctuated by brilliant performances, engaging narrative, and masterful storytelling. However, in terms of character development, implementation of dramatic tension, storytelling, and narrative structure, “Better Call Saul” has proven its distinctive prowess, challenging the notion of the spinoff’s inferiority to its original series. Both shows complement each other, providing viewers a comprehensive experience in a world that navigates the gray areas of morality and crime.

Written By:

Shane Coleman

Meet Shane Coleman, a passionate journalist with an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a keen eye for the stories that shape our world. With years of experience in the field of journalism, Shane has made it his mission to provide readers with accurate, timely, and thought-provoking news articles that help them make sense of a rapidly changing world.
is better call saul better than breaking bad
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