Brokeback Mountain Quiz – Which Character Are You?


Take this Brokeback Mountain quiz to find out which character from Brokeback Mountain you are. Answer these quick questions to find out. Play it now!

“Brokeback Mountain” begins with two italicized pages that feature Ennis Del Mar, the narrative’s protagonist, much after the main events of this novel. Ennis wakes up in his trailer five years ago, a middle-aged ranch laborer. The owner of the ranch sold the place, and this morning Ennis must move out.

The story goes back to a time when Ennis and Jack first meet at the Wyoming Farm and Ranch employment trailer office in the spring of 1963. The narration turns into a tense past, signifying that we just looked at the end of the narrative. Jack and Ennis are adolescents who were born and raised on ranches opposite Wyoming. Both know about a life of hard work and harsh living, and both are drop-outs from high school.

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It’s been four years. They marry and have children without seeing one other. They have children. Then one day Jack appears at the doors of Ennis, and soon enough he’s in an enthusiastic spirit… seen by Ennis’ wife.

Brokeback Mountain quiz

For a foreman, Joe Aguirre, whose animals spend the summer on Brokeback Mountain, Jack and Ennis join up to become sheepherder and camp tender. Once, Jack did this, but Ennis’ work is new. In order to avoid coyotes from harming animals, Aguirre advises her to sleep with the cattle in a pup tent armed but without fire. Drink and converse in a bar, Jack and Ennis go to the mountain and work. When Jack complains of the 4-hour route to the herd, the men change roles: Ennis leads up the mountain as Jack cooks food at the camp. They converse, drink whiskey, and become buddies while they’re together. Also, you must try to play this Brokeback Mountain quiz.

For the next 20 years, there will be sporadic hotel meetups and camping trips. It eventually pushes Ennis’ wife away, although his wife Lureen obviously knows what that summer was about, the family of Jack stays together (and every summer thereafter). But eventually, it begins to catch Jack up, who cannot maintain his feelings for himself as Ennis can.

Sadly, Jack died when “the bull’s blow” was “Jack got pounded do death for a hate crime” that Ennis feels was a code. He speaks to Lureen on his phone then comes to the residence of Jack’s parents to attempt and talk to them from the ashes of Jack. (Jack wanted to bury them at Mountain Brokeback.) Ennis is not able to convince them to separate themselves from the ashes, but Jack finds a pair of shirts on Brokeback and offers them delightful gifts for separation.

About the quiz

In the midst of the 2nd World War, both Ennis del Mar and Jack Twist were born destitute and raised on small ranches opposite Wyoming. Parents from Ennis die while he’s young, so he’s raised by his older brother and sister. But when his collection truck falls off and there’s no money to restore it, he can’t get to school and needs to get out of it. He wants to graduate high school. Jack, too, leaves school at Lightning Flat, Wyoming, when he is young to work on his parents’ ranch.

In the summer of 1963, Jack and Ennis first met before they were 20 years old. They both signed up for Farm and Ranch Employment in Brokeback Mountain to work as pastors and camp tenders. The summer before Jack was at the mountains; Ennis’s first this summer. Ennis was recently involved with Alma Beers when they met. Which Brokeback Mountain character are you?

In the presence of their supervisor, Joe Aguirre, they were introduced to the camp, and Jack was instructed to be a herder by the Ennis. He urges Jack to go sleeping with the flock, protecting them at night against wolves and thefts. This is contrary to the norms of the Forest Service, and so his presence, even remnants of a campfire, cannot be left behind. Joe’s unimpressed by both men and thinks of himself to be “a pair of deuces that go nowhere.”

For more personality quizzes check this: All the President’s Men Quiz.

Written By:

Kevin Miele

Kevin Miele is a seasoned writer, cinephile, and quiz enthusiast hailing from United States. Born with a love for storytelling and a penchant for detail, he has dedicated his talents to creating the ultimate cinematic quiz experience for movie buffs worldwide. From timeless classics to the latest blockbusters, Kevin's quizzes span across genres and eras, offering an inclusive and exciting challenge for film enthusiasts of all backgrounds. He believes that movies are not just a form of entertainment but a source of inspiration, reflection, and connection, and his quizzes aim to celebrate that.
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