You can’t call yourself a real fan unless you can score more than 90% on this Breaking Bad quiz.
TV fans do no longer have Walter White and his fun meth-making friends to play around following the Breaking Bad series finale. So Vulture is pouring one out in the form of a superfan quiz for our fallen Albuquerque homies. The following 20 questions will check whether you really know your Combo’s Krazy-8 or whether you’re better off going to Omaha and handling a Cinnabon. Ready to go?
When the television film, Breaking Bad, was published in 2008, their main character captivated the world. He quickly became an ultra-complicated character struggling with circumstances of life and death. Ultimately he had to start living a double life, which finally caused everything to collapse all around him. Though he’s been named during the season by a variety of different names, his real name has been used enough to be recognizable for the series’ die-hard fans. Also, this is probably one of the most engaging quizzes you will play today.
When we figured we’d have to let go of the addictive fever that ‘Breaking Bad’ gave us, Vince Gilligan shared the news that made the series fans crazy: ‘Breaking Bad’ will come back with a sequel. Half a year after the creator revealed that we finally have ‘El Camino’ on Netflix, one of this year’s most awaited films. But you shouldn’t waste any more time and start this quiz.
Breaking Bad quiz
It has been said several times before, and it needs repeating — Breaking Bad is, and with good reason, one of the greatest television shows of all time. Although it is true that a show does not need continuous action to be successful, there is no denying that it has more than its fair share of moments of action-packed drama. And audiences soon discovered over the course of the series that their favorite character might die off at any moment.
This is one of the funny moments in the series. Also, we will test your knowledge in this quiz.
Breaking Bad is amazing to rewatch. No matter how many times you see it, it will never be boring. From the first episode with Walt in his tight whites in the desert to the last frame of “Felina,” the final episode, the authors have woven a beautifully laid-out story, and the extremely talented cast’s outstanding performances kept audiences on the edge of their seats for 5 full seasons.
Some of the show’s viewers have various opinions towards Walter White, the science teacher-turned-meth-manufacturer. Some see him as the anti-hero, the guy you’re cheering forgiven his flaws and a little dubious ethics. Many people see him as a villain. They think he will do anything just to get his way. This quiz will help you remember certain details.
Can you figure out the answers to all the questions
And what do you think about Breaking Bad? Think you can use your intellect at the Walt level to help ace it? Or are you going to be like Jesse and send him straight to summer school? Take your goggles and let’s go! You must try to play this quiz.
There are several different ways in which people die in the show. Many of them die in a bizarre way and totally unexpected. But, if you are a fan it should be easy to answer the quiz questions.
Indeed, by the time the final episodes started to air, it became obvious that even characters around since the very first season were not immune from being killed at any moment. Are you a big fan of Breaking Bad? Do you think you can recall how all those deaths of characters went down? Take the quiz, and see how well you know!
If you want to find out which character you most similar to check our Breaking Bad character quiz