Big Bang Theory Quiz: Can You Ace This Simple Quiz?


Do you have what it takes to beat this Big Bang Theory quiz? Try to answer all the questions and beat 80% of the people around the world.

The Big Bang Theory rapidly grew to be one of the most important sitcoms of our time. Who can resist such a funny show loaded up in a community of scientists living in California with laughter, wit, and lots of drama? We watched with enthusiasm as roommates Sheldon and Leonard and their neighbor Penny sailed around the world of work, relationships, and the family and added several new things to this already excellent show.

Only with a few episodes left to go before this section finishes, we present this quiz in order to prove ourselves to be the ultimate fan for any Big Bang Theory fan! We urge everyone to test their knowledge and find out whether or not they really know The Big Bang Theory!

Editor’s Picks

Those characters have stolen our hearts and provided us with plenty of laughs over 11 years and more than 200 episodes. In the 12 wonderful seasons. We watched that our favorites fell into love, changed jobs, started families, and maybe even lost loved ones. Now we can’t help but remember the outstanding episodes of this sitcom in their last season with the final series coming closer and closer!

Big Bang Theory quiz

Amy has been a marvelous and hilarious addition to the show since its introduction. In just a matter of a season, Penny gave a complete personality redesign, which, we certainly believe, was the best for that neurobiologist! We’ve now got the funny, hilarious Amy we know and love, and in many seasons it was a pleasure to watch her character evolve.

Oxford dictionaries indicate that science is “the intellectual and practical endeavor that involves the systematics of observation and experimental study of the structure and actions of the physical and natural world.” The analysis of science, irrespective of the discipline on which one is focused, allows us to see how our environment functions, whether this is our own bodies, our earth (and others!), and our universe. But is science cool or maybe there are more interesting areas, after all?

Comic books come in various types and subjects. They came from Japan, according to Wikipedia, but they weren’t exactly the same as we had right now! “Comic books were popularized in the USA and in the UK about the 1930s with modern versions.” Comic books are usually themes of super-heroes (male and female). Who attempts to save the world for a universal or personal purpose. But for superheroic comic books, manga readings have a particular view of the universe. And they are capable of teaching us many things! So, comic books are fine, or maybe not?

About the movie

Acting is one of the oldest occupations in the world! Acting is an operation in which an actor or actress who takes on a character tells a story through its implementation. We are not sure if this practice is accepted as a means of earning our livelihood first. But we can state clearly that the acting process has changed considerably over the years. Including what it means to be an actor or an actress. Think of acting, then?

A number of monkeys are available. Small and large. Large. The monkeys either “live on the trees or on savannas,” according to Wikipedia, and most of them eat “fruit, leaves, seeds, and nuts.” We know that they are naughty, and that is why the term cheeky monkey is meant to be a miserable kid according to the dictionary. We all went to the zoo, and when we weren’t paying attention we had everything taken away. So, monkey views?

For more personality quizzes check this: Am I depressed quiz.

Written By:

Larry Flynn

Larry Flynn is a passionate writer and a devoted fan of television, known for his knack for crafting intriguing questions that test your knowledge, recall, and love for TV shows. Born and raised in the vibrant culture of Canada, Larry's fascination with storytelling and screenwriting has evolved into a dedicated pursuit of creating immersive quiz experiences for TV enthusiasts around the globe.
big bang theory quiz
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