Am I A Bad Person – Personality Quizzes


Take this Am I A Bad Person quiz to find out. We update the quiz regularly and it’s the most accurate among the other quizzes.

Like most people, you’ve undoubtedly done some things you think are nice, some things you think are awful, and lots of things that fall somewhere in the middle.

Perhaps you cheated on your partner, stole money from a friend, or beat your child out of frustration. You were dissatisfied with yourself afterward and decided never to do it again.

You may still be concerned about what that action says about you as a person, causing you distress and discomfort.

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Remember to question yourself, “Am I a bad person?” This isn’t rare. Simply pondering this issue demonstrates that you have some level of self-awareness and empathy.

It’s a good indicator if you want to prevent causing harm. If you can admit that you have room for growth — and who doesn’t? — you’re taking an encouraging first step toward good transformation. Also, you must try to play this am I a bad person quiz.

Am I A Bad Person

To begin, what exactly does it mean to be ‘bad?’
This is a difficult question with no simple answer. Most people are capable of both good and evil behavior, yet the term “bad” can be subjective, and many people disagree on what it means.

Dr. Maury Joseph, a Washington, D.C.-based psychologist, emphasizes the necessity of analyzing the context of bad behavior.

“Does it make a person terrible if they pick the only choice accessible to them based on their developmental history, the prejudices of the country in which they were born, and their current environment?”

In a nutshell, everyone has a backstory that helps to contextualize their actions. What is deemed unacceptable behavior by one person may appear reasonable to someone from a different background.

What constitutes a decent person in the context of psychotherapy?
It’s an issue that has been argued since the dawn of psychotherapy philosophy. But don’t worry, no one expects you to be an angel in these parts.

The human psyche, according to Freud, is divided into three parts. He believed in an instinctual portion with sexual and violent desires (“id”) competing with a moral consciousness (“super-ego”). And “the ego” mediates the conflict between them. The best we can hope for is to find a happy medium.

About the quiz

Jung, on the other hand, believed we had misread our “evil” side. He referred to it as the ‘shadow,’ and he believed it possessed gifts that humans required. Anger, for example, teaches us to set limits, but melancholy teaches us to recognize joy. Life is about bringing all aspects of ourselves, including our shadow selves, into a healthy and productive balance.

And Viktor Frankl, the founder of logotherapy and possibly the most suited to speak on good and evil given his experience in a concentration camp, didn’t believe any of us are strictly good or evil.

But what if I did something truly heinous?
Then you did something you don’t like. It could imply that you need to work on yourself and that some people will dislike you for a long time (if ever).

However, this does not inevitably imply that you are evil or a sociopath.

Regardless of what the internet tells you about sociopathy and some poorly studied but frequently publicized studies? Few of us have characteristics from the ‘dark triad.’

Also, individuals who do qualify for the triad would not bother researching if they were nice people. The fact that you’re reading this post suggests that you don’t have an antisocial personality disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, or anything else.

Even if you did, there is no scientific evidence that you cannot change.

For more personality quizzes check this: Am I Bi Quiz For Teens.

Written By:

Debra Clark

Meet Debra Clark, a passionate writer and connoisseur of life's finer aspects. With a penchant for crafting thought-provoking questions, she is your go-to guide for a journey into the world of lifestyle quizzes. Born and raised in the United States, Debra's love for exploring the nuances of everyday life has led her to create quizzes that challenge, educate, and inspire.
am i a bad person
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